
Sabtu, 28 Januari 2012


Is Research Tikdakan Class (PTK) that?

Classroom Action Research (TOD) is a range of contextual learning study class conductedby the teacher to solve learning problems faced by teachers, improving quality and outcomes of learning and try out new things for the sake of improving the quality of learningand learning outcomes.

Based on the number and nature of the behavior of its members, the TOD can be shapedindividually and kaloboratif, which can be called individually and PTK PTK kaloboratif. Inindividual PTK PTK implement a teacher in his own class or classes of others, is in theTOD kaloboratif some teachers synergistically implement TOD in their classes and visitsbetween members of the class.
TOD to own a number of characteristics as follows:
Is cyclical, cyclical meaning visible TOD-cyclical (planning, administration action,observation and reflection), as the standard procedures of the study.
Is longitudinal, meaning that TOD should take place within a certain period (eg 2-3 months) continuously to obtain the necessary data, not "one shot" execution completed.
Specific nature of the particular-so does not intend to generalize in order to get the arguments. Hasilnyapun not to digenaralisasi though it may be applied by others and thecontext is similar elsewhere.
Participatory, in the sense of teachers as researchers once gus agents of change and targets that need to be changed. This means the dual role of teachers, as a man who oncestudied gus studied as well.

Emic nature (not ethical), TOD means learning by looking at the perspective of people in the not distant studied, not in the eyes of an outsider within the terms of the investigation.Kaloboratif or cooperative nature, which means always the case in the implementation of TOD collaboration or joint working between the researcher (teacher) and others for the validity and the achievement of research goals.Casuistic nature, meaning that TOD working on specific cases or specific in nature learning real and affordable for teachers, working on big problems.Using the natural context of the class, meaning that the class as a venue for the implementation of TOD do not need to be manipulated or engineered for the needs, interests and achievement of research goals.Stresses the adequacy of the data needed to achieve the purposes of research, not kerepresentasifan (representation of) the sample quantitatively. Therefore, PTK only requires the use of simple statistics, is not that complicated.Intends to change reality, and learning situation for the better and meet the expectations, not intended to construct theories and test hypotheses.TOD objectives as follows:Improve and enhance the quality of teachers' instructional practices are implemented to achieve the learning objectives.Improve and enhance the performance of learning-performance conducted by the teacher.Identify, find solutions, and overcome the problem of learning in the classroom for quality teaching.Enhance and strengthen the ability of teachers in learning to solve problems and make the right decisions for students and classes they teach.Explore and produce the creations and innovations of learning (eg, approaches, methods, strategies, and media) that can be done by teachers in order to improve the quality of processes and learning outcomes.Try out ideas, thoughts, tips, how, and in learning new strategies to improve the quality of learning in addition to the innovative capabilities of teachers.Exploring the always insightful learning or research-based learning in order to be able to rely on the empirical realities of the classroom, rather than relying solely on general impressions or assumptions.Benefits of TODGenerate reports that PTK can be used as material guides teachers to improve the quality of learning. In addition PTK results have been reported to be a scientific article or paper materials for various purposes, among others, presented in scientific forums and published in scientific journals.Develop the habits, culture, or tradition and researching and writing scientific articles among teachers. This has involved supporting the professionalism and careers of teachers.Able to realize cooperation, kaloborasi, and or synergy between the teachers in one school or several schools to work together to solve the problem of learning and improving the quality of learning.Able to increase the ability of teachers in elaborating a curriculum or learning programs in accordance with the demands and local context, schools, and classes. This strengthens and relevance of learning for their students' needs.Can cultivate and improve the engagement, excitement, interest, comfort, and pleasure in following the learning process of students in the class that the teacher implemented. The results can improve student learning.Can promote the establishment of the learning process interesting, challenging, comfortable, fun, and involving students as strategies, methods, techniques, and or media used in such varied and selected learning seriously.TOD Implementation Procedures1. TOD proposal. In this activity should be the main activities, namely: (1) describe and locate the problem TOD with a variety of methods or means, (2) determine how to approach problem solving TOD, strategy, media, or specific tips, (3) selecting and formulating the problem TOD in the form of questions or statements in accordance with the problem and the solution, (4) specify the purpose of the TOD in accordance with the specified problem, (5) select and prepare perspective, concepts, and comparisons that will support and the underlying implementation of TOD, (6) develop cycles that contain action plans which are believed to be able to solve the problems that have been formulated, (7) define how to collect data while preparing the necessary instruments for data capture PTK, (8) establish and develop ways of TOD data analysis.2. Accomplish their cycle (action plan) in the classroom. In this activity implemented an action plan which has been compiled with certain variations in accordance with the conditions of the class. During the implementation of actions performed in the same cycle of observation and reflection. good implementation of the action, observation and reflection can be done beiringan, even simultaneously. All matters relating to the above items need to be collected as well as possible.3. Analyzing the data collected, whether data planning stage, pelaksnaan action, observation, and reflection. Analysis of this data should be adjusted to issue a predetermined formula. The results of data analysis is presented as a result of TOD. After that, it needs the formulation of conclusions and suggestions made.4. Writing reports PTK, which can be performed in conjunction with analyzing activity data.In this activity needs to be written first exposure to the results of PTK. Exposure to the results of this TOD together with the problem description, problem formulation, objectives, and study or theoretical concepts. This report PTK.

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